sadelb 12 posts msg #44964 - Ignore sadelb |
6/14/2006 6:47:46 PM
when you see a sell signal on vectorvest how long do you wait until you buy? does it work all the time?
judgetrade 107 posts msg #44986 - Ignore judgetrade |
6/15/2006 6:11:40 AM
Let me add my tow cents here.
I own a PHD of a low class university in Germany, my subject is
"Competitive advantages in the stock market through software based trading systems".
I did look into long term robust trading systems that have been verified by the part science community that oppose the EMH.
The thing is, that I know (some stuff) what works, and what worked for the last 130 years in the stock market, but I cannot make money (I am not losing much, but the winnings are not high either) on it. Knowledge and making money are two different things.
You might only know one simple system, and have the right personality and mind set and you can get dead rich.
I share the opinion that there are a lot of system vendors (say 98%) that sell stuff that does not work.
On the other hand there are a lot of systems that do work, but they are hard to trade (trend following only has a 30% win rate, Value Investing is boring, not easy to buy panic (RSI 2 below 1, etc.))
If you know what works, then you can choose system vendors that base their systems something you know what works. But for this you have to read stuff that comes from people that are neutral to the outcommings of their research.
My work is in German, but you can find research material, which is in english.
Do not worry, you can download it for nothing, if you buy the book I do not get a dime, because the printers own the rights.
Koronbock 201 posts msg #45000 - Ignore Koronbock |
6/15/2006 11:46:16 AM
Hello Judge,
haber gerade Ihren Text heruntergeladen. Recht eindrucksvoll und ideenreich! Jetzt fehlt "nur" noch die praktische Anwendung bzw. die Konsequenz für das praktische Traden. Danke auf jeden Fall für diesen doch aus dem Rahmen fallenden Text und nachträglich alles Gute zum PhD ("Welcome to the Club").
Jetzt weiss ich auch, warum mir Ihre Kommentare in der Vergangenheit immer GUT gefallen haben!
__fetcheruser123 msg #45007 - Ignore __fetcheruser123 |
6/15/2006 1:39:49 PM
TRO, we should chat sometime. I'd be interested in what you have to say. I'm a coder myself. :)
TheRumpledOne 6,411 posts msg #45013 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
6/15/2006 8:36:58 PM
TRO, we should chat sometime. I'd be interested in what you have to say. I'm a coder myself. :)
You can find me on paltalk.
Sometimes I am on googletalk.
Feel free to email during trading hours.
judgetrade 107 posts msg #45019 - Ignore judgetrade |
6/16/2006 10:31:05 AM
Koronbock, thank you for the flowers :-), basically I had to write it because my adventure as a trader was going to hell and I had to do something for my CV.
It worked out, I am now back to my old consultancy job and even steped up the cooparate ladder. Now trading is what is was before, a hobby, it used to be very profitable and I hope to get back my old "winning touch".
The next business adventure will be in opening an own consultancy, but in between I need to learn to be a better sales men...
maxreturn 745 posts msg #45020 - Ignore maxreturn |
6/16/2006 11:16:13 AM
Judgetrade and Koronbock, last time I checked this was a filter exchange forum.
Koronbock 201 posts msg #45031 - Ignore Koronbock |
6/16/2006 3:20:44 PM
You are right!
And it still is! (lol).
TheRumpledOne 6,411 posts msg #45055 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
6/17/2006 11:45:14 AM
I just posted my gap statistics filter.
"Fading the gap" is another system that works. I didn't invent it. Was around long before my time.
I just wrote a filter that finds the best stocks to fade.
ashraf999 33 posts msg #45164 - Ignore ashraf999 modified |
6/21/2006 5:53:14 AM
I have found - thanks to the contribution of TheRumpledOne to this forum - one of the best filters I have ever tested. So I would like to share it with others. It is based on RSI(2). But it is valid for 1-2 days only. Basically, I watch the stocks which has RSI(2) between 1 and 3. If RSI(2) drops below 0.2 by the end of the following trading day, then the approach is to buy it and hold it. Then it is sold by the end of the next trading day.