mahkoh 1,065 posts msg #132736 - Ignore mahkoh |
11/23/2016 1:14:31 PM
Explains inefficiency regarding leveraged etfs.
nibor100 1,055 posts msg #132737 - Ignore nibor100 |
11/23/2016 1:17:21 PM
Could you post the dates of entry and exit that were used by you for the 3 test methods whose 13 results you posted earlier so we can determine the corresponding Kevin signals, etc.?
You stated the "system" works after using 3 methods trading ~4 trades each and I notice that your $ profits related to %profits are spread quite a bit as a 7.16% gain got $1,070.80, and a 0.68% gain got $686.86.
Is your version of the "system" alternating between those 3 methods or have you settled on one method going forward?
Ed S.
dtatu 143 posts msg #132738 - Ignore dtatu modified |
11/23/2016 1:28:01 PM
If anybody could tell me how to copy/ paste a Google sheets table, without having it chopped while posted, I'll send all the details
nibor100 1,055 posts msg #132739 - Ignore nibor100 |
11/23/2016 1:28:08 PM
Regarding the last 8 trade results you recently posted, I can only verify that in following a 5 unit portfolio approach that 2 of the larger gaining trades would not have been executed, due to date overlap, similar to early October when there was also 7 short signals close together.
Ed S.
jackmack 334 posts msg #132741 - Ignore jackmack |
11/23/2016 1:58:26 PM
On DUST are you taking the signal to go long when ANY of the filters goes long and then exit when any say exit?
dtatu 143 posts msg #132742 - Ignore dtatu |
11/23/2016 2:08:28 PM
1. Anybody can tell me what the correlation is between the Gold miners and VIX ???
As far as I know, VIX reflects the volatility of SPX , not of GOLD, GDX, GDXJ ,etc.
2. How can anybody make a profitable system and test it , based on a 3x DUST?( just another wasting product, on the long side) Am I missing something?
see the link /chart, below:;EXPMA(20);EXPMA(50);EXPMA(100);EXPMA(200);MACD(20,50,9);MACD(12,26,9);STOSL(5,3);SMA(200)&sym=DUST&grid=1&height=500&studyheight=100
Based on 1 & 2 , I would never trade this. Just my opinion.
Kevin_in_GA 4,599 posts msg #132743 - Ignore Kevin_in_GA |
11/23/2016 2:19:25 PM
Regarding the last 8 trade results you recently posted, I can only verify that in following a 5 unit portfolio approach that 2 of the larger gaining trades would not have been executed, due to date overlap, similar to early October when there was also 7 short signals close together.
True for a 5 unit portfolio. The discrepancy arises from the fact that the nightly system signals I generate are set for a portfolio size of 10 units. You may have noticed that at times there are more than 5 trades listed in the previous updates as well.
Your point is valid but the system still seems to be sending out profitable signals, which was being questioned.
jackmack 334 posts msg #132744 - Ignore jackmack |
11/23/2016 2:29:01 PM
@ dtatu
I know I got off track with that one
shillllihs 6,056 posts msg #132746 - Ignore shillllihs |
11/23/2016 3:33:20 PM
On longs, go long Dust on first, exit on any last, & on shorts enter Nugt long or Dust short on first and exit on any first.
Check it out and let me know.
jackmack 334 posts msg #132747 - Ignore jackmack |
11/23/2016 3:47:27 PM
Kevin_in_GA or anyone else - is there a way here in SF to combine all of the longs into one and all of the shorts into one?
Similar to what was done in the "Trading Divergences" thread so on a manual back test you could just forward each day and see when any one of the filters triggered long or exit.
I've tried but I believe when I am adding an "add column ___ " line for each filter since the wording is not exactly what the underlying filter is returning it is not working out properly or is it not even possible because of the dynamics of the filter there is no way to combine it.
Just looking to make this one by one day by day manual research a little less painful ;-)