c1916 77 posts msg #135109 - Ignore c1916 |
3/24/2017 4:24:07 PM
I give you and Kevin a great deal of credit for your reads today. You guys have to admit that those were binary calls that couldn't possibly have been generated by a filter or signal, unless one of you geniuses has invented a filter to consider politics in real time.
In the muddle this afternoon, I started pricing out protection in case the vote happened and lost after the close, as this weekend would have been a quagmire. I certainly didn't have the guts to double down on XIV or short TVIX during that hour or so.
Sometimes just sitting tight is OK too.
shillllihs 6,057 posts msg #135110 - Ignore shillllihs |
3/24/2017 4:44:38 PM
Well speaking for myself, thank you very much!!
pthomas215 1,251 posts msg #135112 - Ignore pthomas215 |
3/24/2017 5:08:47 PM
i second that notion. took guts for you guys to take on that short. credit where credit is due!
four 5,087 posts msg #135113 - Ignore four modified |
3/24/2017 5:36:13 PM
Picture of TVIX trade [shillllihs trade today]
-- Shorted 10% and 15% move up on the day. Doubled 10% [1200 shares] order at 15% [2400 shares] move.
Kevin_in_GA 4,599 posts msg #135114 - Ignore Kevin_in_GA |
3/24/2017 6:59:07 PM
When did TVIX get to $44? The high for today was only $43.20. Even your own graphic shows the high was $43.17. I don't think any second position at $44 was possible.
@Shilllihs - care to comment?
shillllihs 6,057 posts msg #135115 - Ignore shillllihs |
3/24/2017 7:48:50 PM
I was confused a little, maybe he was showing what could have been.
four 5,087 posts msg #135116 - Ignore four modified |
3/24/2017 9:53:47 PM
I used these two posts...
2,843 posts
msg #135101
- Ignore shillllihs 3/24/2017 2:58:47 PM
SHORT. 1200 Sh. TVIX. 42.06
Simply the best.
2,843 posts
msg #135103
- Ignore shillllihs 3/24/2017 3:02:41 PM
Adding 2400 at 44
Kevin_in_GA 4,599 posts msg #135117 - Ignore Kevin_in_GA |
3/24/2017 10:02:44 PM
Well, the first post was him using his "Kevin Oops" strategy, and the second one never filled.
davesaint86 725 posts msg #135135 - Ignore davesaint86 modified |
3/25/2017 7:55:47 PM
C1916 - You stated that the trade had to be a binary call and a filter could have not called the trade. I just happened to see the shillllihs post on SF as soon as he posted so I went to my 5 min chart and watch XIV do this.
c1916 77 posts msg #135136 - Ignore c1916 |
3/25/2017 9:57:41 PM
OK...I never intended to get in the middle of the did-he/didn't-he argument. If any of you had the balls to short the TVIX or buy XIV when it looked like the bill was going to come up for a vote and fail, I give you credit, binary or not.
I stick by the theory that there isn't a filter out there that can represent political black swanesque events in real time, but if there is I look forward to seeing it posted here to the benefit of all of SF. :)