Mactheriverrat 3,163 posts msg #133553 - Ignore Mactheriverrat |
1/5/2017 4:57:31 PM
What Good Does Hurling Insults at Someone Accomplish? On any message board or fourm.
I'll never know.
Just saying.
Eman93 4,750 posts msg #133561 - Ignore Eman93 |
1/5/2017 6:55:03 PM
Not all people think or are wired the same. It is a very hard thing for me to understand that some people have thoughts and ideas that just seem crazy to me, but are perfectly normal to them. The righteous man knows who he is and has no need to belittle others for self satisfaction. The righteous man enjoys helping others that need or seek help. I am not sure what to call a person who enjoys self aggrandising and bulling others? It is a male juvenile trait that most men out grow, sadly it seems we have elected one in the US that never outgrew it. We will see where it goes. Some times the light needs to show the dark in order for it to be dealt with.He did learn from the best Vince McMann, only thing WWE is pretend.
The best advice is to ignore and take pity upon them for they dont understand what they do.
dashover 226 posts msg #133583 - Ignore dashover |
1/6/2017 12:08:45 PM
Forward to Donnie,
I'm a supporter, but he simply can't keep his mouth shut, or his Twitter account idle...
And it's concerning..