StockFetcher Forums · General Discussion · Normalized MACD<< >>Post Follow-up
4 posts
msg #158522
Ignore zoloftking
2/6/2022 1:21:38 AM

how to you filter for MACD crosses using normalized MACD? Thanks in advance.

649 posts
msg #158537
2/8/2022 10:43:56 AM

Maybe this?

Fetcher[draw macd(12,26,9)
set{macdy, macd(12,26,9) fast line 1 day ago}
set{macdt, macd(12,26,9) fast line}
set{n, count(macd(12,26,9) fast line > macd(12,26,9) slow line 1 day ago,1)}
set{signal, count(macdt > macdy,1)}
draw n
draw macdy on plot macdt
draw rsi(13) line at 50
draw signal

chart-length 6 months

649 posts
msg #158547
2/8/2022 7:13:37 PM

Forgot the normalized part.

Fetcher[draw macd(12,26,9)
set{macdy, macd(12,26,9) fast line 1 day ago}
set{macdt, macd(12,26,9) fast line}
set{n, count(macd(12,26,9) fast line > macd(12,26,9) slow line 1 day ago,1)}
set{signal, count(macdt > macdy,1)}
set{fsm, cema(macdt,5)}
set{ssm, cema(macdt,20)}
draw n
draw macdy on plot macdt
draw macdt line at 0
draw rsi(13) line at 50
draw fsm on plot ssm
draw signal

chart-length 6 months

1,374 posts
msg #158685
Ignore Cheese
2/26/2022 5:29:11 PM


Please note that the above picture may expire in 30 days.


Below is the best pine script for Normalized Smoothed MACD that I could find.
It was written by Dreadblitz

Unfortunately, I don't know enough about pine script to convert to sF.
Perhaps, someone experienced in pine script coding might want to give it a try.


// © Dreadblitz
study(title="Normalized smoothed MACD", shorttitle = "NSM", overlay=false)
inpFastPeriod = input(defval=12, title="MACD fast period", minval=1, type=input.integer)
inpSlowPeriod = input(defval=26, title="MACD slow period", minval=1, type=input.integer)
inpMacdSignal = input(defval=9, title="Signal period", minval=1, type=input.integer)
inpSmoothPeriod = input(defval=5, title="Smoothing period", minval=1, type=input.integer)
inpNormPeriod = input(defval=20, title="Normalization period", minval=1, type=input.integer)
price = input(close, title="Price Source",type=input.source)
emaf = 0.0
emas = 0.0
val = 0.0
nval = 0.0
sig = 0.0
red, 0), 0), 0)

if bar_index > inpSlowPeriod
alphaf = 2.0/(1.0+max(inpFastPeriod,1))
alphas = 2.0/(1.0+max(inpSlowPeriod,1))
alphasig = 2.0/(1.0+max(inpMacdSignal,1))
alphasm = 2.0/(1.0+max(inpSmoothPeriod,1))

emaf := emaf[1]+alphaf*(price-emaf[1])
emas := emas[1]+alphas*(price-emas[1])
imacd = emaf-emas

mmax = highest(imacd,inpNormPeriod)
mmin = lowest(imacd,inpNormPeriod)
if mmin != mmax
nval := 2.0*(imacd-mmin)/(mmax-mmin)-1.0
nval := 0

val := val[1] + alphasm*(nval-val[1])
sig := sig[1] + alphasig*(val-sig[1])

plot(val, color=val>val[1]?green:red, style=plot.style_line, linewidth=2, title="Reg smooth MACD")
plot(sig, color=black, style=plot.style_cross, linewidth=1, title="Signal line")
hline(0, title='0', color=color.gray, linestyle=hline.style_dotted, linewidth=1)
alertcondition(crossunder(val,sig) or crossover(val,sig) ,title="Sell/Buy",message="Sell/Buy")

1,055 posts
msg #158703
Ignore nibor100
3/2/2022 12:46:06 PM


I can program a little in Pine Script and while most of that algorithm you posted from TradingView can easily translate to SF, it appears that the lines that set a variable using that same variable's values from 1 day prior, cause an issue in SF's Set statements, causing the resulting filter to hang up with no results.

Example variables are EMAF, EMAS, Val...

Ed S.

1,374 posts
msg #158704
Ignore Cheese
3/2/2022 1:32:54 PM

Thank you, Ed S

If you don't mind, could you please explain to me in plain English
the pine script statements bolded above?

If that's too much to ask, could you direct me to the URLs of pine script
manuals that explain those notations := , !=

Any hints might help.
I've been struggling with learning pine script using their manuals.

1,055 posts
msg #158706
Ignore nibor100
3/2/2022 4:18:00 PM

if bar_index > inpSlowPeriod
this line makes sure at least 26 days have passed since beginning of chart so the 26 day moving avg can be calculated.

bar_index is their built in variable that counts the # of bars in a chart, first bar is 0, 2nd bar is 1, total # of bars is bar_index+1 ( since they start with 0) to reference a bar's number for 1 day ago you write "bar_index[1]", 10 days ago would be "bar_index[10]"

alphaf = 2.0/(1.0+max(inpFastPeriod,1))
alphas = 2.0/(1.0+max(inpSlowPeriod,1))
alphasig = 2.0/(1.0+max(inpMacdSignal,1))
alphasm = 2.0/(1.0+max(inpSmoothPeriod,1))

These 4 lines set the variable names on the left to the results of the equations on the right.
As I interpret their manuals, using the = sign sets the variable one time only and it can't easily be re-assigned like SFs Set command

emaf := emaf[1]+alphaf*(price-emaf[1])
emas := emas[1]+alphas*(price-emas[1])
imacd = emaf-emas

These 3 lines set the variable names on the left to the results of the equations on the right.
As I interpret their manuals, using the := sign sets the variable once and it can' be easily be re-assigned to different values later on as the code processes

mmax = highest(imacd,inpNormPeriod)
mmin = lowest(imacd,inpNormPeriod)

These 2 lines assign the highest imacd and lowest Imacd, for the last 20 bars to the variable names on the left.
The highest() function returns the highest value for the specified data and number of bars.
the lowest() function returns the lowest value for the specified data and number of bars

if mmin != mmax
nval := 2.0*(imacd-mmin)/(mmax-mmin)-1.0
nval := 0

These 4 lines constitute an If then Else function that is executed when mmin is not equal to mmax.
!= is the Not Equal operator in Pine Script

More info on their Operators can be found here:

An excellent source of beginners coding articles on Pine Script can be found here:

Hope this is what you wanted...
Ed S.

val := val[1] + alphasm*(nval-val[1])
sig := sig[1] + alphasig*(val-sig[1])

1,374 posts
msg #158708
Ignore Cheese
3/2/2022 4:36:53 PM
nibor100 3/2/2022 4:18:00 PM

It will surely help me with learning pine script.

StockFetcher Forums · General Discussion · Normalized MACD<< >>Post Follow-up

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