WALLSTREETGENIUS 983 posts msg #65633 - Ignore WALLSTREETGENIUS modified |
7/31/2008 12:13:48 PM
As you already know, I have an uncanny way of finding extreme bottoms & tops on charts. I've already proven that RSI(2) on a daily chart is inferior to my WILLIAMS %R(2), and if you've missed any of that, I strongly encourage you to read about it because your future entries and exits will NEVER be the same!
Now that we know RSI(2) is obsolete, and my Billy(2) is your gateway to profits...I thought it was time to share my most powerful rock bottom filter. Avery (TRO) just the other day took a cheap shot at me about using RSI(2) on my charts as a weekly scan, by saying something like...
" I'm glad you see the light on RSI(2)! "
I had to laugh, because I knew I hadn't released this bit of information yet. So if you now think that my Williams %R(2) is superior over RSI(2) on daily charts, just wait till you see how powerful Billy(2) is over RSI(2) on WEEKLY charts! I welcome you to look at all the charts you can drum up and look for Weekly Williams(2) increasing, while the RSI(2) is falling, or hugging that zero line.
Now, there will be a select few that don't pop, but the ones that don't are the one's that are too early. Meaning, make sure your Stochastics(5,3), COG(5,3), or what ever oscillator you use is BELOW it's lower reference point (below "0" or 25). That's the difference maker! Also, just wait till you see what happens on your HOURLY charts when these two diverge from one another. It's truely amazing! At times on your hourly charts you'll see the opposite happen with RSI going up while Billy is declining. It doesn't happen often, but it works the same way when it's at the bottom of a chart. But at the top of charts we already know that's an early warning to get out of a stock.
If RSI(2) is that "little indicator that could"...then, Williams(2) is the "BIG ENGINE THAT DID!"
Just look at the performance(far right of dashboard)of the last 3-days!...
you won't believe your eyes!!!
NOTE: Many of the weekly scans of WRSI(2) are going up,
but if you look at your regular platform charts, it is falling.
Don't know why SF does this, but it still works out great!
7/31/2008 12:39:51 PM
You'll notice the few that show a negative performance either have already had their run in the 3-days, or they aren't actuall diverging set-ups to begin with. I see a few of them with BILLY(2) falling on a regular platform chart. Just make sure you check YOUR charts along with SF's scan.
TheRumpledOne 6,436 posts msg #65638 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
7/31/2008 2:54:07 PM
That wasn't even a "shot" Riggs.
A little sensitive, are we?
Besides, it doesn't matter what filter or indicator you use...
dwiggains 445 posts msg #65639 - Ignore dwiggains |
7/31/2008 2:57:46 PM
Hi Riggs
I have been checking out your Weekly Williams filter. Looks good. I have been having trouble with this one. Do you see what I did wrong???
Weekly Williams %R(2) is above Weekly Williams %R(2) 1-day ago and
Weekly Williams %R(2) 1 day ago is below Weekly Williams %R(2) 2-day ago and
close > 2 and average volume (90) > 900,000
I am trying to find the day the weekly filter turns up.
The first line of the filter works fine. The second line does not???
See ya
WALLSTREETGENIUS 983 posts msg #65640 - Ignore WALLSTREETGENIUS modified |
7/31/2008 3:28:26 PM
That wasn't even a "shot" Riggs.
A little sensitive, are we?
Me "sensitive?"...LOL..yeah, that'll be the day.
I've noticed you have not commented on
my findings of RSI(2) as of late Avery. Care to
comment there Rumpledone?...I'm sure
EVERYONE would love to hear you debate
this now.....
WALLSTREETGENIUS 983 posts msg #65641 - Ignore WALLSTREETGENIUS modified |
7/31/2008 3:36:37 PM
Dave, be careful on the 1st leg of Billy. It Usually (not always) takes the
2nd leg against RSI to find the "absolute bottom."
Here's your filter...
dwiggains 445 posts msg #65643 - Ignore dwiggains |
7/31/2008 4:01:15 PM
Hi Riggs
Your filter is doing the same as mine. Notice that the first 2 your filter pulls up is --- SPY ---- and ---- WM ----. These 2 bottom 4 days ago not 1 day ago. I am not sure why this happens.
Thanks again
See ya
7/31/2008 4:36:55 PM
Dave -
I'm fighting with this very thing on another bottom filter of mine. The important thing to know is that this software is not a perfect science...but you've gotta admit...SF is damn close! This might be a good candidate for "tomb." to tackle with. Let's see...
arby347 87 posts msg #65650 - Ignore arby347 |
7/31/2008 6:37:43 PM
RIGGS, to change the subject a little:
The Linear Regression (20) indicator observations you made coincides within 3-4 bars from many other things people are posting on these threads. For example Mary4 Moneys post regarding the expected reversals of qqqq and qid.
Have you written any filters to use the indicator? Thx
chetron 2,817 posts msg #65652 - Ignore chetron modified |
7/31/2008 7:09:56 PM
the debugged version.....
added a forgotten "williams"
removed a couple "line feed" characters. be sure not to hit the "return" key in the middle of a condition line.
added a few "/*" that were missing.
this removed 66 percent of the results i got. is this still valid, genius?
the debug tab is awesome. great enhancement, SF!!!!!!!!!!