StockFetcher Forums · Filter Exchange · One Line Filter Revisited<< 1 2 3 4 >>Post Follow-up
299 posts
msg #47745
Ignore wallman
10/30/2006 8:40:28 PM

Hi Werner,great to see an original SF/MM'er still around,hope your doing well and thanks,i'm great and ready to get back into the "game"

Radovan ... i use the $1-$10 range primarily because i've been using it for over 2 decades now and can work it pretty well,when the SF/MM forum was running at full tilt a couple of yrs ago,we had over 200 Muddy Favorites of which 95% fell into that price range,needless to say that by me tracking them over the yrs i've become to know many of the big possible runners that still exist today in that range ... from what i've seen so far the range of 10 to $50 works excellent with this fast%k filter,in fact i'm working on a plan with these now involving longer(25 days or so)holds for use in IRA accounts

Hi Niko .... i still trade MM/BB stocks and for me i work them well(many are a combo of the MM and fast %k in fact) but truth be told,for me,i've NEVER had a filter that gives me the results i get from the fast%k filter,so far it's been so simple to use but very deadly


299 posts
msg #47748
Ignore wallman
10/30/2006 10:05:54 PM

Hi Avery,i'll get in touch with you in a few days,it's kinda busy around here now .... BTW, take a peak at the fast%K filter results,price range $10 to $50 for Sept 20, 137 up - 11 down ... is that the most "GREEN ON THE SCREEN" or what? Can you say IRA,.... see ya in ARUBA !!

6,411 posts
msg #47749
Ignore TheRumpledOne
10/30/2006 10:21:08 PM

/* your filter code goes below this line */
show stocks where fast stochastic fast %k(14) is below 10
and volume is above 400000
and close is between 1 and 10

set{f14, fast stochastic fast %k(14)}
set{f141, fast stochastic fast %k(14) 1 day ago }

set{f14b,days(f14 is above f141, 100)}
set{f14a,days(f14 is below f141, 100)}
set{f14xf14, f14a - f14b}

add column f14xf14
add column fast stochastic fast %k(14)

sort column 5 descending

/* STOCK DASHBOARD DISPLAY for newbies and old pros */

set{E36b,days(ema(3) is above ema(6),100)}
set{E36a,days(ema(3) is below ema(6),100)}
set{E3xE6, E36a - E36b}

set{E50200b,days(ma(50) is above ma(200),100)}
set{E50200a,days(ma(50) is below ma(200),100)}
set{M50xM200, E50200a - E50200b}

set{E1326b,days(ema(13) is above ema(26),100)}
set{E1326a,days(ema(13) is below ema(26),100)}
set{E13xE26, E1326a - E1326b}

set{CCb,days(close is above close 1 day ago,100)}
set{CCa,days(close is below close 1 day ago,100)}
set{CxC, CCa - CCb}

set{E5b,days(close is above ema(5),100)}
set{E5a,days(close is below ema(5),100)}
set{CxE5, E5a - E5b}

set{E50b,days(close is above ma(50),100)}
set{E50a,days(close is below ma(50),100)}
set{CxM50, E50a - E50b}

set{E200b,days(close is above ma(200),100)}
set{E200a,days(close is below ma(200),100)}
set{CxM200, E200a - E200b}

set{T10, count(10 day slope of the close above 0,1)}
set{T60, count(60 day slope of the close above 0,1)}
set{T200, count(200 day slope of the close above 0,1)}

Set{a1, T200 * 1}
Set{a2, T60 * 10}
Set{a3, T10 * 100}

Set{aa, a1 + a2}
Set{TREND, aa + a3}

set{v, volume 1 day ago}
set{volinc, volume - v}
set{volpc, volinc / v}
set{volpct, volpc * 100}

set{VolZ, days(volume < 1,100)}
set{VolUp, days(volume is below volume 1 day ago,100)}
set{VolDn, days(volume is above volume 1 day ago,100)}
set{VolCnt, VolUp - VolDn}

set{vck1, volume 1 day ago }
set{vck, volume / vck1 }
set{vdbl, days(vck < 2, 100)}

set{PARBuy, count(close crossed above Parabolic SAR, 5) }
set{DMIBuy, count( di(14) Difference crossed above 0 , 5) }
set{DMIBuyX, count( di(14) Difference above 0 , 1) }

set{PARSell, count(close crossed below Parabolic SAR, 5) }
set{DMISell, count( di(14) Difference crossed below 0, 5) }
set{DMISellX, count( di(14) Difference below 0, 1) }

set{PARSBuy1, PARBuy * DMIBuy}
set{PARSBuy, PARSBuy1 * DMIBuyX}

set{PARSSell1, PARSell * DMISell}
set{PARSSell, PARSSell1 * DMISellX}

set{PARSTrade, PARSBuy + PARSSell}

set{HiOp, high - open}

set{WRb,days(Williams %R(10) is above Williams %R(10) 1 day ago,100)}
set{WRa,days(Williams %R(10) is below Williams %R(10) 1 day ago,100)}
set{WRxWR, WRa - WRb}

and add column VolCnt
and add column Vdbl
and add column volpct

and add column HiOp
and add column Trend

and add column CxC {CxC_}
and add column CxE5 {CxE5}

and add column E3xE6 {E3xE6}
and add column E13xE26 {E13xE26}

and add column CxM50
and add column CxM200
and add column M50xM200

add column rsi(2)
add column weekly rsi(2)

add column PARSBuy
add column PARSSell

add column Williams %R(10)
add column WRxWR

and draw RSI(2)
and draw ema(5)

and draw Williams %R(10)

and draw Parabolic SAR
and draw +di(14)

and draw -di(14)
and draw adx(14)
and draw di(14) difference


Hey Muddy,

I am looking.

I added my BASIC STOCK DASHBOARD DISPLAY to your filter.

I added a column f14xf14.

f14xf14 tells you how many days the fast K has been going up/down.

For months, the only stock I have been daytrading is AAPL. So I have to go back to the "basics" to see what your filter is doing.

6,411 posts
msg #47917
Ignore TheRumpledOne
11/11/2006 2:40:35 PM

/* date is offset */
date offset is 5

/* your filter code goes below this line */
show stocks where fast stochastic fast %k(14) is below 10
and volume is above 400000
and close is between 1 and 10

set{ high5, high 5 day high }
set{open4, open 4 days ago}
set{MaxPL, high5 - open4}
set{MaxPLx, MaxPL / open4 }
set{MaxPLPct, MaxPLx * 100 }

add column separator
add column MaxPL
add column MaxPLPct
add column high5
add column open4
add column separator

set{f14, fast stochastic fast %k(14)}
set{f141, fast stochastic fast %k(14) 1 day ago }

set{f14b,days(f14 is above f141, 100)}
set{f14a,days(f14 is below f141, 100)}
set{f14xf14, f14a - f14b}

add column f14xf14
add column fast stochastic fast %k(14)

sort column 6 descending

/* STOCK DASHBOARD DISPLAY for newbies and old pros */

set{E36b,days(ema(3) is above ema(6),100)}
set{E36a,days(ema(3) is below ema(6),100)}
set{E3xE6, E36a - E36b}

set{E50200b,days(ma(50) is above ma(200),100)}
set{E50200a,days(ma(50) is below ma(200),100)}
set{M50xM200, E50200a - E50200b}

set{E1326b,days(ema(13) is above ema(26),100)}
set{E1326a,days(ema(13) is below ema(26),100)}
set{E13xE26, E1326a - E1326b}

set{CCb,days(close is above close 1 day ago,100)}
set{CCa,days(close is below close 1 day ago,100)}
set{CxC, CCa - CCb}

set{E5b,days(close is above ema(5),100)}
set{E5a,days(close is below ema(5),100)}
set{CxE5, E5a - E5b}

set{E50b,days(close is above ma(50),100)}
set{E50a,days(close is below ma(50),100)}
set{CxM50, E50a - E50b}

set{E200b,days(close is above ma(200),100)}
set{E200a,days(close is below ma(200),100)}
set{CxM200, E200a - E200b}

set{T10, count(10 day slope of the close above 0,1)}
set{T60, count(60 day slope of the close above 0,1)}
set{T200, count(200 day slope of the close above 0,1)}

Set{a1, T200 * 1}
Set{a2, T60 * 10}
Set{a3, T10 * 100}

Set{aa, a1 + a2}
Set{TREND, aa + a3}

set{v, volume 1 day ago}
set{volinc, volume - v}
set{volpc, volinc / v}
set{volpct, volpc * 100}

set{VolZ, days(volume < 1,100)}
set{VolUp, days(volume is below volume 1 day ago,100)}
set{VolDn, days(volume is above volume 1 day ago,100)}
set{VolCnt, VolUp - VolDn}

set{vck1, volume 1 day ago }
set{vck, volume / vck1 }
set{vdbl, days(vck < 2, 100)}

set{PARBuy, count(close crossed above Parabolic SAR, 5) }
set{DMIBuy, count( di(14) Difference crossed above 0 , 5) }
set{DMIBuyX, count( di(14) Difference above 0 , 1) }

set{PARSell, count(close crossed below Parabolic SAR, 5) }
set{DMISell, count( di(14) Difference crossed below 0, 5) }
set{DMISellX, count( di(14) Difference below 0, 1) }

set{PARSBuy1, PARBuy * DMIBuy}
set{PARSBuy, PARSBuy1 * DMIBuyX}

set{PARSSell1, PARSell * DMISell}
set{PARSSell, PARSSell1 * DMISellX}

set{PARSTrade, PARSBuy + PARSSell}

set{HiOp, high - open}

set{WRb,days(Williams %R(10) is above Williams %R(10) 1 day ago,100)}
set{WRa,days(Williams %R(10) is below Williams %R(10) 1 day ago,100)}
set{WRxWR, WRa - WRb}

and add column VolCnt
and add column Vdbl
and add column volpct

and add column HiOp
and add column Trend

and add column CxC {CxC_}
and add column CxE5 {CxE5}

and add column E3xE6 {E3xE6}
and add column E13xE26 {E13xE26}

and add column CxM50
and add column CxM200
and add column M50xM200

add column rsi(2)
add column weekly rsi(2)

add column PARSBuy
add column PARSSell

add column Williams %R(10)
add column WRxWR

and draw RSI(2)
and draw ema(5)

and draw Williams %R(10)

and draw Parabolic SAR
and draw +di(14)

and draw -di(14)
and draw adx(14)
and draw di(14) difference

I added a few columns...

MaxPL tells you the maximum profit you could have had if you bought the open 4 days ago.

Open4 is the open price 4 days ago.

High5 is the high of the last 5 days ( current day included )

If you run this with a date offest of 5 after the market closes on friday, you can see the performance for the week.

Most of the stocks filtered allowed you the chance to TAKE PROFIT!

299 posts
msg #47924
Ignore wallman
11/11/2006 10:32:36 PM

Hi Avery,
Quick question for you,have you read,and if you have,how i set up the rsi2 columns with fastk 14 below 10 and Williams(10)and look for "divergence"?
If you've read it ,do you see what i'm trying to say?
If you respond to this post i can give you some examples from last few days to help you see it if you don't
In my explaination i said fastk 0's combined with Williams -100 are ALWAYS a top watch,with date offset of 6,there were 5,all 5 were up with ave gain of 9.38%,pretty interesting
In my original post on One Line Filter i said for a different look change the fastk to (2)below (5),well with a date offset of 6 there was FRPT,your "detective" stock on General Discussion"! What's neat about it also is out of about 18 stocks only 5 had fastk column 14 below 10 in double digits (my signal for diversion),FRPT being one
I saw a fellow said guess he's a couple days late on this stock,at least this scan would have had you watching ( it came up early on the SCC vol/price% leader board also,sure you remember that,ha)
Regards, Muddy

6,411 posts
msg #47942
Ignore TheRumpledOne
11/13/2006 6:51:03 AM

Is this what you are talking about Muddy?

"...Of this group ABY has a relatively high fast stoch of 7.02 but has seemingly bottomed out on the Williams at -100.00. So the higher fast stoch shows divergence with the very low RSI and Williams. "

Muddy, please send an email to therumpledone at yahoo dot com. Thanks

299 posts
msg #47943
Ignore wallman
11/13/2006 7:37:22 AM

Hi Avery
I will do that,sorry i haven't got in touch with you,been so busy with a couple of new things i've been working on

299 posts
msg #47974
Ignore wallman
11/14/2006 9:53:44 PM

I've been tracking this filter for many months now

Fetcher[show stocks where fast stochastic fast %k(14) is below 10 and volume is above 400000 and close is between 1 and 10 date offset is 1
and sort column 5 descending

using the Performance column i date offsetted from 1 to 100 days.
I found ONLY 3 losing win/loss ratio days out of 100
What i want to know is if anyone has found a filter or single indicator close to this,if so please let me know

41 posts
msg #47976
Ignore radovan.arendas
11/15/2006 1:16:53 AM

Hi muddy,

thank you for this filter and your explanation how you are using it. I followed your approach and changed / added some more criteria: price 1 - 50, market_cap > 500mil. I also use Day Range to find the most volatile shares.

I found this divergence between fast%k, rsi2 and Williams working very well for me: fast%k and williams to be really down (below 5 or very close and below -95%) while rsi2 to be up but not too much (around 15-20). It is more-less about sensing it. I also like when all of them make a sharp dive to 10 resp. -90% within 3 days.

I use it now for intraday paper-trading: I'm waiting till 10 min candel closes 'in green' and the next one keeps holding green. My target is to make in average 1% per day. Once I have it I put stop-loss and move it up with the price.

In your explanations you mentioned that you use this filter also with 9 days date-offset. Can you explain more? I can't see how to approach it.

Regarding similar performance of a filter I was looking at filter from MARY4MONEY:
market is nasdaq 100 and weekly rsi(2) below 3 and weekly +di(2) below 3

Thank you once again for your ideas

299 posts
msg #47979
Ignore wallman
11/15/2006 7:54:07 AM

Hi Radovan
sorry for the misunderstanding,date offset 9 was only an example to show results of the filter
Great to see you tinkering to find your preception of "divergence",this is exactly why i put this filter up,everyone should find their own take on it,i'd never think for a moment that my way is best for everyone
For me i've found the way i use it best,take nov 7 for example,TOA hit scan with lowest rsi2 of 0.04 YET barely made the scan with fastk 14<10 reading of 9.39,the 3rd HIGHEST out of 35 matches,many with huge rsi2 values over 0.04!
In my mind this is huge divergence ... thanks for the info on MaryForMoney's filter performance,if my filter is even in the ballpark with one of his it's a compliment,to me he is a stock genius
good luck,let me know how your method is doing

StockFetcher Forums · Filter Exchange · One Line Filter Revisited<< 1 2 3 4 >>Post Follow-up

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