SAFeTRADE 649 posts msg #56957 - Ignore SAFeTRADE |
11/23/2007 7:02:20 PM
Trading rules..
1. ballon26 above 75
2. ballon55 crossed above 75
Weekly RSI(5) above 75
RSI(14) crossed above 65
Stay put as long as ballon26 stays above 75
When sell signal shows up..or
ballon26 crossess below 75..or
when you are tired waiting and want out.
P.S. Credit to TRO for his many fine filters and ideas.
TheRumpledOne 6,431 posts msg #56958 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
11/23/2007 10:43:52 PM
Thought you might like to see the buy and sell columns on the report.
davesaint86 725 posts msg #56961 - Ignore davesaint86 |
11/24/2007 11:29:29 AM
Thanks SafeTrade and TRO. It backtested well using your list.
marine2 963 posts msg #56962 - Ignore marine2 |
11/24/2007 2:47:49 PM
An amazing filter. Thanks for putting this up for us to enjoy. You all keep getting better and better on your filtering skills. You made my day. Keep up the great work. Like watching brain surgeons perform their magic. Thanks again!
SAFeTRADE 649 posts msg #56963 - Ignore SAFeTRADE |
11/24/2007 2:51:58 PM
Thanks TRO.
TheRumpledOne 6,431 posts msg #56964 - Ignore TheRumpledOne modified |
11/24/2007 4:42:19 PM
Added the StayPut and Sell2 columns. Let the computer do all the work.
Took out the symlist and used NASDAQ 100.
marine2 963 posts msg #56975 - Ignore marine2 |
11/25/2007 1:11:24 AM
Fill me in on what all this buy , sell , sell2 , stay put columns mean as far as indicators of when to do just what they are saying. I see 0's in the buy, sell, sell2 columns and 1's in the stay put column? Whats the numbering mean to the person thats filtering this?
Like I had wrote before, the filter intent is great but, I get hung up on this buy sell sell2 stay put columns. Help me understand.
brucely 2 posts msg #56978 - Ignore brucely modified |
11/25/2007 10:42:03 AM
Where you guys learn about all this strategy. The advanced programming language you guys used where can i learn it from. Please advise me.
For the buy signal, if 1 out of the 4 signal is meet, can we proceed to buy? Or do we have to wait for all 4 buy signals to be met then we can buy?
TheRumpledOne 6,431 posts msg #56980 - Ignore TheRumpledOne modified |
11/25/2007 12:18:56 PM
A "1" means to buy, sell or hold.
A "0" means no action.
I was just displaying the columns based on the original post. Though I am not sure that I captured all that SAFeTRADE intended.
marine2 963 posts msg #56984 - Ignore marine2 |
11/25/2007 2:54:43 PM
Thanks Sir TheRumpledOne, for the answer back to me. It's what I needed. You and SAFeTRADE have a nice thing going. The advanced programming you two are getting into really fine tunes filtering results. I am only useing the basic indicators. You and others are way above the rest of us but we appreciate your design developements and letting us in on them.